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Professional And Confidential

Jack Stone Investigations, Inc.

Private Investigator In Jacksonville With A Nationwide Presence

Jack Stone Investigations is a full-service, licensed Private Investigation Agency located in Jacksonville, Florida. Our professional investigators and surveillance experts conduct a wide range of investigative and related services for a variety of clients, including: private individuals, attorneys and law firms, businesses and corporations, organizations, and insurance agencies in and around Florida. Our unique Medical Investigation Unit (MIU) specializes in medical malpractice, wrongful death, medical fraud, Medicare fraud and whistleblower investigations for its clients throughout the entire United States as well

We understand that every investigation is different and every situation is unique. That is why our experienced licensed private investigators and physician/investigators work with all of our clients on an individual basis to evaluate the situation at hand, formulate the best solution to help meet your needs, and apply our expert investigative skills to successfully deliver results.

Our Medicare fraud and whistleblower investigations can begin immediately at no cost to you. We only yet paid when a settlement is paid on your behalf. Our medical malpractice and other investigative services are offered at competitive fees designed to fit your budget.

When your situation calls for a professional private investigator with extensive medical experience, you need the experienced, licensed and affordable professionals at Jack Stone Investigations working on your case, to get the results you need.  

All of our investigations and detective services are handled promptly, professionally, and with complete confidentiality.

Hiring the right investigator for the right job makes all the difference in the world. The JSI team is ready to help

1. Accident / Reconstruction - similar to what a crime lab might do, a private investigator in the field of accident reconstruction may investigate a specific accident or crime in order to determine what really happened or who might be responsible

2. Arson / Fire - Fire investigators often work directly for fire departments to determine whether the cause of a fire is natural or arson

3. Asset Search - in an asset investigation, the investigator may search public records that confirm property or real estate ownership by an individual or corporate entity

4. Background Checks - whether simple or complex, private investigators can perform extensive background checks on individuals to determine criminal history, past aliases, or even to simply confirm information given as part of a job application or interview

5. Bounty Hunter - a bounty hunter is a specialized private investigator who works alongside law enforcement to locate and apprehend individuals who are wanted for legal proceedings, including skipping bail and failure to appear in court

6. Bug Sweep, Bug Detection - a type of cyber investigation, this type of investigator may perform electronic sweeps of areas for the purpose of finding hidden recording devices or location trackers

7. Cell Phone Records - in this case, an investigator may obtain cell phone records—usually with consent or a search warrant—that allows them to scour a cell phone’s history and records, usually with the intent to determine fraud, infidelity, or to find a missing person

8. Child Support / Custody - hired by an individual, a private investigator may do a custody investigation in order to determine the best placement of a child between legal custodial guardians, or any misconduct among those parties

9. Civil - a civil investigator’s goal is to seek out and uncover information related to a civil trial—that is, when one person sues another for any number of reasons

10. Computer Forensics / Cyber Crime - these investigators specialize in computers and technology-related crime, applying analysis and investigative techniques to gather evidence from the high-tech world. Learn more: What is a Digital Private Investigator?

11. Corporate - rather than having their own company or private investigation firm, a corporate PI will work as part of the staff of a company.

12. Crime Scene - working as an extension of law enforcement, or in trying to find out the truth independent of law enforcement, a private investigator in this circumstance would focus on the evidence at a crime scene as part of a larger criminal case

13. Criminal - a criminal investigator is very similar to a detective that is part of law enforcement, as they investigate criminal acts in order to bring forward evidence at a criminal trial. Learn more: What is a Criminal Defense Investigator and How to Become One.

14. Domestic - domestic investigators pursue cases such as infidelity, child support or parental custody, typically using surveillance.

15. Due Diligence - typically involving corporate clients, due diligence investigation is that done for the larger purposes of a business transaction of some sort

16. Electronic/Video/Photo Surveillance - a private investigator skilled in electronic surveillance will likely be adept at using various types of recording devices or online history as part of their larger investigation, while video and photo surveillance are more focused on the physical whereabouts of the person or group being investigated.

17. Executive Protection - because the overall protection of many celebrities or executive is generally more data-driven than people realize, a private investigator makes a good fit for this field, being able to scour information for locations, travel and more in order to provide safety for the client

18. Financial - these private investigators develop financial background reports or search for assets to recover judgments in fraud and theft cases.

19. Forensic - generally, forensic investigators are those who are focused on evidence collection of any sort, and may work quite closely with law enforcement, or in contrast to them

20. Fraud - often hired by a company (like an insurance company) a fraud investigator is primarily focused on determining whether or not someone is using fraud in order to gain some sort of financial payoff

21. Hotel - Hotel detectives protect the property of guests, employees or parts of the hotel itself from theft.

22. Identity Theft - an investigator might be hired for identity theft investigation in order to determine if, who, or when an instance of identity theft occurred

23. Infidelity / Cheating Spouse - typically referred to as a domestic investigation, an investigator in this instance would be focused on high surveillance tactics to determine if a spouse or partner is engaged in extramarital situations

24. Insurance Fraud - in these cases, a private investigator might examine claims in workers’ compensation cases, which can be susceptible to fraudulent activity.

25. Internet Dating Investigation - rare but becoming more popular, an investigator would run background checks and use online and public information in order to determine if the information provided to a client is true and can be trusted

26. Judgment Recovery - while someone who owes money as part of a court ruling may typically find themselves in collections, a judgement recovery investigator may help uncover hidden assets or accounts in order to expedite recovery of those funds

27. Missing Persons /People Locate / Skip Trace - whether seeking out a missing person or trying to locate someone who has “skipped town”, an investigator in this type of case may use a variety of tactics in order to locate or determine the whereabouts of a certain individual

28. Mystery Shopper - a mystery shopper, or store investigator works to prevent or catch shoplifters and other kinds of store losses through employee or vendor theft.

29. Polygraph / Lie Detector - an investigator in this instance may be solely focused on issuing a polygraph service in order to determine the truth in a situation

30. Process Service - process servers serve documentation to those involved in a court case, and an investigator can be a valuable part of this team—helping them determine where and when a person may be served with court documents

31. Repossessions - when a valuable item must be repossessed, it is important to know where and when that item will be in order to recover it. For this reason, an investigator can be helpful in determining this information

32. Social Media - becoming more popular due to catfishing cases, a social media investigator will seek out the information of who owns social media accounts, who is using them, and what they are used for

33. Trial Preparation - a trial preparation, or legal investigator, works to obtain information for lawyers to assist in the preparation of criminal defense cases.

34. Workers Compensation - when an employee files for workers’ compensation, it can mean a lot of money out of the company’s (or the insurance company’s) pocket. In a workers compensation investigation, an investigator looks for evidence of injury, as well as fraud to determine if the filing is justified

35. Wrongful Death - in many cases of wrongful death, it is hard to prove fault, which is instrumental to the case at hand. In this case, a private investigator is helpful to help determine the happenings surrounding the case, to help build a case with evidence

Global Coverage, Local Expertise



What is Unclaimed Property?

If money is owed to you and the company is unable to locate you, your funds are turned over to the government as unclaimed property.

In addition to money and securities, unclaimed property includes tangible property such as watches, jewelry, coins, currency, stamps, historical items and other miscellaneous articles from abandoned safe deposit boxes.

Unclaimed property assets are held by business or government entities (holders) for a set period of time, usually five years. If the holder is unable to locate, re-establish contact with the owner and return the asset, it is reported and remitted to the state's Division of Unclaimed Property.

JSI is a private investigative agency that specializes in assisting individuals, corporations, and beneficiaries of estates to recover lost and unclaimed property. Our firm uses the best data sources available to locate unclaimed property owners. Once we obtain a potential client's current information, we send a letter explaining our business, our intentions, and options for claiming. A checklist for required items is provided in the letter for your convenience. Many owners may choose to claim their funds without ever needing to contact our firm.

We understand that it can often be difficult to provide the required documentation for proof of ownership, or that it may be wary of giving out personal information. As a licensed locator, HEA utilizes state-approved data sources in order to provide proof-of-ownership documentation on behalf of our clients and upholds the industry standard for privacy.

There is absolutely no out-of-pocket cost to our clients. Our fee for processing your claim is deducted from the recovered funds. In the event that we are unsuccessful in recovering your funds, there is no fee.

The claim process can be difficult - but it doesn't have to be. Let us put our expertise to work for you!

Personal Services Offered:

Personal Services Assistant to Provide:

·     Intervention assistance

·     Assist with difficult conversations

·     Assistance with personal matters

·     Communicating with individuals on your behalf

·     Bodyguard services

·     Personal representative

·     Other Services


Medical Malpractice Investigations

Getting Your Claims to Competent Legal Counsel

Once we have completed our investigation, we prepare comprehensive detailed reports so that attorneys we work with can get the claim to trial in a timely fashion.

Knowledge Is Power

Before a medical malpractice case will be taken on by an attorney, there are essential tasks that we can perform to help present a claim. Through our medical investigation we can help in three critical ways to best present your medical malpractice claim.

Hard-hitting medical malpractice investigators do not just find evidence that a medical error happened. They uncover which medical error happened. Since medical malpractice can happen at any stage of the patient experience, pinning down the exact error can be arduous.

Most Common Medical Malpractice investigations Involve:

  • Misdiagnosis or iatrogenesis resulting in patient death.

  • Surgery or hospitalization resulting in infection or treatment failures.

  • Illegal billing procedures or insurance fraud.

  • Medical errors resulting in disability or other injury.

  • Rejection of care due to patient’s financial instability.

  • Medical negligence in refusing to provide care or providing defective care.

  • Negligent prescription treatments leading to addiction or drug contact.

Some medical malpractice cases become more sinister if investigators discover that healthcare workers subjected patients to reckless disregard, abusive practices or acted with indecent motivation. These acts are considered so far removed from the accepted standard of care that they are no longer medical malpractice, but criminal in nature.

Health Care Fraud And Abuse Investigations

Stopping Medicare Fraud

The Medicare Fraud Strike Force was involved in bringing this case to the attention of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section. The FBI and HHS-OIG (Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General) together ran the investigation, supervised by the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of Illinois.

Medicare fraud costs the government (and thus, taxpayers) billions of dollars a year. But the U.S. government has gotten serious about stopping fraud, creating task forces to find and convict those who abuse the system. The Medicare Fraud Strike Force has charged 2,300 defendants who, all together, have billed Medicare for over $7 billion. The Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT), created by HHS in 2007, cracks down on fraudsters to help prevent the loss of billions of dollars a year.

Child Human Trafficking Investigations

Child trafficking is a crime-and represents the tragic end of childhood.

Child trafficking refers to the exploitation of girls and boys primarily for forced labor and sexual exploitation. Children account for 27% of all the human trafficking victims worldwide, and two out of every three child victims are girls.

Sometimes sold by a family member or an acquaintance, sometimes lured by fake promises of education and a “better” life – the reality is that these trafficked and exploited children are held in slave-like conditions without enough food, shelter or clothing, and are often severely abused and cut off from all contact with their families.

Children are often trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation or for labor, such as domestic servitude, agricultural work, factory work and mining, or they’re forced to fight in conflicts. The most vulnerable children, particularly refugees and migrants, are often preyed upon and their hopes for an education, a better job or a better life in a new country.

Every country in the world is affected by human trafficking, and as a result, children are forced to drop out of school. risk their lives and are deprived of what every child deserves – a future.

“Investigating medical fraud is like uncovering hidden treasures - each discovery brings both justice and the potential for life-changing rewards. Embrace the journey!”

Discover How We Uncover The Truth



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